Now with the recent release of Qt 5.0.2 things are a little better (hope they get even better with forthcoming Qt 5.1). I finally managed to build (or almost - QtWebkit fails to build, see below) it.
The steps I took are outlined below. If you want to try please let me know if they have worked for you too.
Qt building |
You'll need:
- my MinGW Distro
- Qt source distribution
- Active Perl (or maybe Strawberry Perl - I didn't try this one)
- Python
- Make sure Perl, Python and MinGW are all in your PATH
- Create a directory C:\Qt-build
- Create a directory C:\Qt
- Uncompress the Qt source distribution to C:\Qt-build
- Remove directories qtwebkit and qtwebkit-examples-and-demos. For some reason they do not build
- Create a directory C:\Qt-build\build. You will get a tree like this:
qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.2 - Open the "MinGW Command Prompt"
- Enter cd C:\Qt-build\build
- Enter touch ..\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.2\qtbase\.gitignore
- Enter ..\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.2\configure -prefix C:\Qt -release -developer-build -opensource -shared -opengl desktop -qt-pcre -nomake tests
- Enter mingw32-make
- Enter mingw32-make install
The Qt headers and libraries will be installed in C:\Qt