Thursday, December 12, 2013

MinGW Distro - December 2013 Edition

DISCLAIMER: this is a private, custom build of MinGW. It is neither supported nor sponsored by

Updates: GCC 4.8.2, GDB 7.6.1, Boost 1.55.0, ICU 52.1, SQLite 3.8.1, cURL 7.33.0, wxWidgets 3.0.0, POCO Libraries 1.4.6p2, Apache Portable Runtime 1.5.0, Apache Portable Runtime Utils 1.5.3

MinGW-Distro-Addons.exe - 77 Mb - Full with add-ons
SHA1: 029334806ff1ca1cadc1fd7cdbfeaa5a9fd4f9ad

This is the latest version I will provide. Unfortunately I have no time to keep track of the updates, work on patches and build the packages. In a next post I will make scripts and patches available for anyone that would take them and continue.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

MinGW Distro - August 2013 Edition

DISCLAIMER: this is a private, custom build of MinGW. It is neither supported nor sponsored by

Updates: Boost 1.54.0, cURL 7.31.0, PCRE 8.33, FreeType 2.5.0, wxWidgets 2.9.5, xz 5.0.5

Added: Apache log4cxx 0.10.0, Apache Portable Runtime 1.4.8, Apache Portable Runtime iconv 1.2.1, Apache Portable Runtime Util 1.5.2

The ICU static libraries were removed. Now only ICU DLLs.

MinGW-Distro-Addons.exe - 73 Mb - Full with add-ons
SHA1: a73ddf6141535fd55935b083d86ddbdedcc291de

MinGW-Distro-Core.exe - 16 Mb - Core Components
SHA1: 6be8fd7ec3e65c6f25e4194dec9355d2ce7a9b00

For more information visit MinGW Distro

Saturday, June 08, 2013

CodeLite 5.1 Project Templates for wxWidgets

CodeLite Templates

CodeLite is a nice open-source, cross plataform C and C++ IDE. One of its nicest features is the project templates. With them you can easily create a project from a template.

CodeLite 5.1 includes some templates to create wxWidgets projects. Unfortunately those templates do not work very well with my MinGW Distro.

The June 2013 edition contains the corrected templates. You can find them in the MinGW\ide directory.

Please copy those files to the directory templates\projects of your CodeLite installation.
In the future the Distro will come with additional templates for CodeLite.

Monday, June 03, 2013

MinGW Distro - June 2013 Edition

This release was delayed because of the last minute release of GCC 4.8.1

Updates: GCC 4.8.1, GDB 7.6, GraphicsMagick 1.3.18, SQLite 3.7.17, ICU 51.2, freeglut 2.8.1, libpng 1.6.2, libarchive 3.1.2, grep 2.14, zlib 1.2.8, GLFW 2.7.8, NASM 2.10.07, libxml2 2.9.1, file 5.14, binutils 2.23.2, FreeType 2.4.12

Added: LINQ for C++ 20130203, libharu 2.2.1

MinGW-Distro-Addons.exe - 75 Mb - Full with add-ons
SHA1: 4ab44b4b303f3090489d4bef721728d9f97106fb

MinGW-Distro-Core.exe - 16 Mb - Core Components
SHA1: 51acdd76db532697e53133368df21550898d5623

For more information visit MinGW Distro

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Building Qt5 with MinGW

Building Qt with MinGW was always a nightmare: weird conflicts, a lot of patching and the result was not good.

Now with the recent release of Qt 5.0.2 things are a little better (hope they get even better with forthcoming Qt 5.1). I finally managed to build (or almost - QtWebkit fails to build, see below) it.

The steps I took are outlined below. If you want to try please let me know if they have worked for you too.

Qt building

Steps to Build

You'll need:
  • Make sure Perl, Python and MinGW are all in your PATH
  • Create a directory C:\Qt-build
  • Create a directory C:\Qt
  • Uncompress the Qt source distribution to C:\Qt-build
  • Remove directories qtwebkit and qtwebkit-examples-and-demos. For some reason they do not build
  • Create a directory C:\Qt-build\build. You will get a tree like this:
  • Open the "MinGW Command Prompt"
  • Enter cd C:\Qt-build\build
  • Enter touch ..\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.2\qtbase\.gitignore
  • Enter ..\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.2\configure -prefix C:\Qt -release -developer-build -opensource -shared -opengl desktop -qt-pcre -nomake tests
  • Enter mingw32-make
  • Enter mingw32-make install

The Qt headers and libraries will be installed in C:\Qt

Thursday, April 04, 2013

GCC 4.8.0 build failing for MinGW

GCC 4.8.0 was released on March 22nd, so in time for April's release of the MinGW Distro.

Unfortunately it failed miserably to build. It is a known problem.

I hope that by the next release of MinGW Distro this problem is already fixed. I'll keep you informed.

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

MinGW Distro - April 2013 Release

Updates: Boost Libraries 1.53.0, cURL 7.29.0, ICU 51.1, libpng 1.5.14, libxml 2.9.0, libxslt 1.1.28, POCO 1.4.6p1, SQLite 3.7.16, OpenSSL 1.0.1e, GLFW 2.7.7, GMP 5.1.1, wget 1.14, gettext

Add: rapidjson 0.11

MinGW-Distro-Addons.exe - 75 Mb - Full with add-ons
SHA1: 4ab44b4b303f3090489d4bef721728d9f97106fb

MinGW-Distro-Core.exe - 16 Mb - Core Components
SHA1: 51acdd76db532697e53133368df21550898d5623

Friday, February 08, 2013

OpenSSL 1.0.1d and cURL 7.29.0

It happened again, now with OpenSSL and cURL. New versions of these libraries were released. See below how to update them. As with Boost before the next MinGW distro will include the updated OpenSSL and cURL.
Assuming you have installed it in C:\MinGW directory:
  • Clean up the existing cURL files:
cd C:\MinGW
rmdir /s /q include\curl
rmdir /s /q include\openssl
rmdir /s /q ssl
cd C:\MinGW
bin\bsdtar -xvJf curl-7.29.0.tar.xz
bin\bsdtar -xvJf openssl-1.0.1d.tar.xz

Boost C++ Libraries release 1.53.0

The new release (1.53.0) of Boost Libraries was made available on February 4th, just 3 days after I released the Feburary 2013 edition of my MinGW distro that included release 1.52.0. Because of this I have built the new release and I'm making it available here as a separated download. As usual it also includes the ICU versions of both Boost RegEx and Boost Locale libraries. The next release of the MinGW distro will contain this version of Boost (or a newer if released meanwhile).
Assuming you have installed it in C:\MinGW directory:
  • Clean up the existing Boost files:
cd C:\MinGW
rmdir /s /q include\boost
del lib\libboost*.*
cd C:\MinGW
bin\bsdtar -xvJf boost-1.53.0.tar.xz

Friday, February 01, 2013

MinGW Distro - February 2013 Release

By demand the add-on libraries have been included in the main package.

Updates: FreeType 2.4.11, GLEW 1.9.0, ICU 50.1.2, libssh2 1.4.3, libgmp 5.1.0, POCO 1.4.6, SQLite, jpeg 9

MinGW-Distro-Addons.exe - 75 Mb - Full with add-ons
SHA1: dbdf784f741efa0c0aa8cb3640bbb4dcbc45b707

MinGW-Distro-Core.exe - 16 Mb - Core Components
SHA1: 97b13f4ce75dc48f536c0c350a35758373125de5