Now with the recent release of Qt 5.0.2 things are a little better (hope they get even better with forthcoming Qt 5.1). I finally managed to build (or almost - QtWebkit fails to build, see below) it.
The steps I took are outlined below. If you want to try please let me know if they have worked for you too.
Qt building |
You'll need:
- my MinGW Distro
- Qt source distribution
- Active Perl (or maybe Strawberry Perl - I didn't try this one)
- Python
- Make sure Perl, Python and MinGW are all in your PATH
- Create a directory C:\Qt-build
- Create a directory C:\Qt
- Uncompress the Qt source distribution to C:\Qt-build
- Remove directories qtwebkit and qtwebkit-examples-and-demos. For some reason they do not build
- Create a directory C:\Qt-build\build. You will get a tree like this:
qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.2 - Open the "MinGW Command Prompt"
- Enter cd C:\Qt-build\build
- Enter touch ..\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.2\qtbase\.gitignore
- Enter ..\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.2\configure -prefix C:\Qt -release -developer-build -opensource -shared -opengl desktop -qt-pcre -nomake tests
- Enter mingw32-make
- Enter mingw32-make install
The Qt headers and libraries will be installed in C:\Qt
Thank you very much for information.
saya ingin mendistribusikan hasil program saya ke komputer lain, tapi saya tidak bisa. adakah tutorial step by step untuk mendistribusikan file exe saya ke komputer lain? saya menggunakan windows7 dan qt5.3.
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