Updates: GCC 4.8.2, GDB 7.6.1, Boost 1.55.0, ICU 52.1, SQLite 3.8.1, cURL 7.33.0, wxWidgets 3.0.0, POCO Libraries 1.4.6p2, Apache Portable Runtime 1.5.0, Apache Portable Runtime Utils 1.5.3
MinGW-Distro-Addons.exe - 77 Mb - Full with add-ons
SHA1: 029334806ff1ca1cadc1fd7cdbfeaa5a9fd4f9ad
This is the latest version I will provide. Unfortunately I have no time to keep track of the updates, work on patches and build the packages. In a next post I will make scripts and patches available for anyone that would take them and continue.
Hi Josue,
I just tried using you MinGW distro to build nimrod:
I got there errors:
c:\users\csl-nb-064\downloads\software\nimrod\nimrod-git\compiler\nimcache\times.o:times.c:(.text+0x268): undefined refe
rence to `_localtime32'
c:\users\csl-nb-064\downloads\software\nimrod\nimrod-git\compiler\nimcache\times.o:times.c:(.text+0x3bb): undefined refe
rence to `_time32'
c:\users\csl-nb-064\downloads\software\nimrod\nimrod-git\compiler\nimcache\times.o:times.c:(.text+0x3e4): undefined refe
rence to `_time32'
c:\users\csl-nb-064\downloads\software\nimrod\nimrod-git\compiler\nimcache\times.o:times.c:(.text+0x40e): undefined refe
rence to `_localtime32'
c:\users\csl-nb-064\downloads\software\nimrod\nimrod-git\compiler\nimcache\times.o:times.c:(.text+0x534): undefined refe
rence to `_time32'
c:\users\csl-nb-064\downloads\software\nimrod\nimrod-git\compiler\nimcache\times.o:times.c:(.text+0x55e): undefined refe
rence to `_localtime32'
c:\users\csl-nb-064\downloads\software\nimrod\nimrod-git\compiler\nimcache\times.o:times.c:(.text+0x67b): undefined refe
rence to `_difftime32'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Error: execution of an external program failed
Previously, I used another MinGW distro:
Always worked fine.
Any idea why?
Hi Josue,
I just tried using your MinGW distro to build nimrod:
I got these errors:
c:\users\csl-nb-064\downloads\software\nimrod\nimrod-git\compiler\nimcache\times.o:times.c:(.text+0x268): undefined refe
rence to `_localtime32'
c:\users\csl-nb-064\downloads\software\nimrod\nimrod-git\compiler\nimcache\times.o:times.c:(.text+0x3bb): undefined refe
rence to `_time32'
c:\users\csl-nb-064\downloads\software\nimrod\nimrod-git\compiler\nimcache\times.o:times.c:(.text+0x3e4): undefined refe
rence to `_time32'
c:\users\csl-nb-064\downloads\software\nimrod\nimrod-git\compiler\nimcache\times.o:times.c:(.text+0x40e): undefined refe
rence to `_localtime32'
c:\users\csl-nb-064\downloads\software\nimrod\nimrod-git\compiler\nimcache\times.o:times.c:(.text+0x534): undefined refe
rence to `_time32'
c:\users\csl-nb-064\downloads\software\nimrod\nimrod-git\compiler\nimcache\times.o:times.c:(.text+0x55e): undefined refe
rence to `_localtime32'
c:\users\csl-nb-064\downloads\software\nimrod\nimrod-git\compiler\nimcache\times.o:times.c:(.text+0x67b): undefined refe
rence to `_difftime32'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Error: execution of an external program failed
Previously I used another distro:
And always worked fine.
Any idea why?
I'm afraid that Nimrod is expecting the new Windows Runtime and System Libraries (WSL) version 4. I'm still using 3.17 and have no plans to upgrade.
I suggest you to use a MinGW distro that supports WSL 4. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Would be great if you posted your patches so that others could also build from source and could help maintain the changes as new versions come out.
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